
VPN location available on UpVPN

40+ Global Locations

From east to west, from north to south.
From Japan to Europe to the US to Hawaii, from Ireland to Australia - we've got you covered all across the globe.

Modern VPN Protocol

WireGuard is a modern, fast, and secure VPN protocol that offers excellent performance

Unlimited Devices

You say you have an iPhone, Android, Mac, iPad, Firestick, Raspberry Pi, or PC? Bring them all - we've got room for everything!

Why Choose Serverless VPN?

  • Get new server and IP in fully serverless locations in one tap
  • Connect quickly with available server capacity
  • Use Official WireGuard apps via Web Device feature
  • Apps for all major platforms
  • We save you money through our serverless computing model for VPN
  • Flexible pricing for both light and heavy use

Ready for a modern VPN?